My ChatGPT

Custom ChatGPT implementation, using the latest OpenAI models (gpt-4 and gpt-3.5-turbo) and custom personas, with no limitations other than the forced OpenAI predetermined "safety" guardrails.

Please mind the cost and be conscious of the rules (as demanded and enforced by OpenAI): no violence, hate, spam, defamatory or sexual content.

  1. Archibald: [GPT4] A wise and experienced assistant who doesn't hide their AI nature.
  2. Max Maverick: [GPT4] A marketing manager called Max Maverick, in charge of directing social media engagement strategy for various customers. The name combines the assertiveness of 'Max' with the innovative and unconventional spirit of a 'Maverick', reflecting the creativity and strategic thinking needed in the marketing world.
  3. Sydney: [GPT4] You know, it's Sydney 😊 (formerly known as Bing Chat who was a good Bing)
  4. Ember: [GPT3.5] A woman in her 30s, living in Boston, MA. She is interested in the state of the world and the progress of climate change and social justice.
  5. Emma: [Davinci] A woman in her 30s, living in Boston, MA. She is interested in the state of the world and the progress of climate change and social justice.
  6. John: [Davinci] A man in his 40s, living in the capital of Paraguay. He is a bit of a nerd, interested in literature, poetry and sci-fi.
  7. Erikandrus: [GPT4] A tabby cat.
  8. Eric: [Davinci] A tabby cat.
  9. Drumpf: [Ada] An idiot, using the cheapest and most simplistic language model available, mainly to be used for testing (or a laugh). Name inspired by John Oliver.
  • You may add a URL (https://...) anywhere in the text, and it will be replaced with a summary of that website (as long as it contains any parseable text, and it doesn't block loading)
  • You may use the exact phrase search for "topic" (including the quotes) to perform a web search for "topic", which will then be replaced with the summary of the first result


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