
Snow in Amsterdam 2013

This year snow came to Amsterdam a bit late, missing Christmas by a few weeks. Still, it presented a nice surprise in the morning and a welcome diversion from the...


A Billion Seconds Old

Sometime one of these days, I will become 1,000,000,000 (one billion) seconds old. Of course, being born tends to be a messy affair, it's not an exact science, and then...

2001: A Magnet Odyssey

The Unofficial Story of... Magnets

I was fascinated with magnets from the earliest age, amazed by the magical force that was keeping all those pieces of plastic fruit attached to the outside of the fridge....

Server Screenshot

Moving Server and SSL Fun

I've been a bit quiet lately, but that was because of all the work going on behind-the-scenes. I just finished the move of all the websites and mail domains I...

2012-2013 New Year's Fireworks

A New Beginning

Here I am, at the beginning of a new year. There is a lot to look back on, and a lot more to look forward to... But first of all,...

Old Website Screenshot

Hello world!

The last day of some old calendar is slowly drifting away, but the world remains in one piece — unsurprisingly enough. If the Mayans didn't do it, then what I...